Notice to Contractors

Notice to Contractors 

Sealed proposals will be received by Naples City, at the city office, 1420 East 2850 South, Naples, Utah, 84078 until 2:00 p.m., September 22, 2021, for the 2021 Asphalt Maintenance Project (1500 South) in Naples City.  Bid will be addressed to Ryan Cook, Road Supervisor for Naples City at the above address. 

            The project consists of approximately 787 Square Yards of Rotomilling (4” depth), 454 Ton of Borrow, 122 Cubic Yards of Untreated Base Course, and 206 Ton of Hot Mix Asphalt (1/2” Max.). 

            The entire project is to be completed in 15 Working Days. 

            Proposal forms, plans, and specifications are on file and may be examined at the following locations: 

Naples City, 1420 East 2850 South, Naples, Utah, 84078, Phone (435)789-9090. 

CIVCO Engineering, Inc., 1256 West 400 South Suite 1, P.O. Box 1758, Vernal, Utah 84078 Phone (435)789-5448. 

            Specifications, proposal forms, and plans may be obtained only from CIVCO Engineering, Inc. at the above location electronically at no charge. 

Each bidder must submit a bid bond from an approved surety company on forms provided by the surety company; or in lieu thereof, cash, certified check, or cashier’s check for not less than 5% of the total amount of the bid, made payable to the Naples City as evidence of good faith and a guarantee that if awarded the contract, the bidder will execute the contract and finish the contract bonds as required. The right to reject any and or all bids is reserved. 

Dated the 15th day of September 2021

Mike Davis, City Manager

Naples City

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